shouldn't be
a problem,
its a Solution!

Disclaimer for Risk Profiling

In case you undertake risk profiling, you agree and declare that

You have read, comprehended and personally completed the entire form and the answers provided are genuine, accurate and absolute. You understand that the investment policies suggested and the results implied by Loan Ki Dukaan are mere representations of your risk profile. You are mindful that this sort of investment does not ensure guarantee against any losses and hence you shall not hold Loan Ki Dukaan, its employees, directors, representatives and officers accountable for any damage, loss, expense, suit, action or claim which such insured persons may incur as a consequence of your decision to capitalize in products. It is also understood that you shall alert Loan Ki Dukaan regarding any changes in the information provided or in the risk profile.

If you undertake risk profiling but you opt to invest according to your own choice and discretion; and not per the suggestions made by Loan Ki Dukaan:

You hereby confirm that you have read, comprehended and personally completed the entire questionnaire and the answers given are correct and accurate. You hereby renounce suggestions of investment services offered by Loan Ki Dukaan on the basis of your risk assessment and have chosen instead to invest in a different fund whose risk level is lower(or higher) than what is suggested. You completely understand that you may be undertaking greater risks against probable higher returns. You clearly agree to accept such risks. You shall insure and hold harmless Loan Ki Dukaan, its employees, directors, representatives and officers accountable for any damage, loss, expense, suit, action or claim which such indemnified persons and/or you may incur as a consequence of your decision to capitalize in products with lower(or higher) risks.

In the event, you voluntarily avoid undertaking your risk profiling:

You hereby affirm that you accept that according to established laws in India, an investment adviser has to complete the risk profiling of the customers and make investment recommendations accordingly. You hereby put aside such requirements of risk profiling as you chose to invest according to your own free will and discretion; and you are informed that your investment choice shall not assure against losses and hence you shall not hold liable Loan Ki Dukaan, its employees, directors, representatives and officers accountable for any damage, loss, expense, suit, action, claim or violation of law in this context, which such indemnified persons may incur as a consequence of your decision to capitalize in products.